Unlike bed and breakfasts, furnished tourist accommodation can be awarded a national classification ranging from 1 to 5*.

Information on the classification of furnished accommodation can be found on this page:

Advantages of national classification

71% tax allowance
Valid for 5 years
Possibility of joining the Agence Nationale des Chèques Vacances (French national holiday voucher agency)
A guarantee of quality
Stand out from the competition

The principles of classification

The classification table comprises 133 control criteria (mandatory and optional) and is divided into 3 chapters:
Equipment and facilities
Customer services
Accessibility and sustainable development

This inspection is carried out on the basis of a declared visit. It is based on a points system, with each criterion assigned a number of points.
Some criteria are ‘compulsory’, while others are optional. To be classified in a given category, the property must obtain a number of ‘compulsory’ points and a number of ‘optional’ points.
The combination of these points is designed to take into account the identity of each property and its commercial positioning.
If the report is favourable, the classification decision is made.

Here is a list of organisations that can classify your furnished accommodation:

To be noted for your Déclaloc declaration

If you wish to have your furnished accommodation classified, you must amend your Declaration of Furnished Accommodation at the Town Hall on the following website Declaloc.fr

Classification and numeric operators

If you rent out your properties via digital operators who collect and pay the tourist tax, they will automatically collect it at the same rate as for unclassified accommodation. If your properties are classified, you must send the classification decisions for each of your properties to the digital operators and check that they are collecting the tourist tax correctly. If we find that the correct amount of tax has not been collected for your classified properties, we will ask you to pay us the difference if necessary.

NB: For your information, there are also various labels, independent of the classification. Each label is based on a certain number of criteria and is also a guarantee of quality. However, these labels are not eligible for the 71% tax allowance. It is possible to combine labels and national classification for your properties.

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