The tourist tax is introduced at the initiative of local authorities that spend money on welcoming tourists. Here is all the information you need to know about tourist tax:

What is the purpose of tourist tax?

It is collected by the landlords and paid in full to the local authority, which uses it entirely for expenditure to improve tourist facilities: running the Tourist Office, organising events and activities, maintaining public spaces, improving sports and leisure facilities.

The rates of this tax depend on the type (hotel, campsite, furnished accommodation, etc.) and classification of the accommodation.

A website dedicated to tourist tax in Collioure

A website dedicated to tourist tax is now available: This website allows you to make your declarations online and find out more about the tourist tax.

You will also find more information on the pages below:

Explanatory documents to help you

Do you have a furnished holiday home?

Find out all the information you need to help you declare the tourist tax if you have a furnished tourist accommodation property.

Do you have a bed and breakfast?

Find out all the information you need to help you declare the taxe de séjour if you have a chambre d’hôte.

Rates for tourist tax

Rates for 2024

Rates for tourist tax on unclassified accommodation

The rate of the tourist tax for unclassified accommodation will be given by the accommodation provider and corresponds to a very specific calculation.

Rates for tourist tax for classified hotels, furnished accommodation and tourist residences

5 étoiles4,61 €
4 étoiles3,56 €
3 étoiles2,29 €
2 étoiles1,37 €
1 étoile1,15 €

Rates for camping tax

Not classified or type of classificationRate
From 3 up to 5 étoiles0,86 €
Non classified, 1 and 2 étoiles0,29 €

Rate for bed and breakfast tax: €1.15

Discover the complete 2024 price guide

Information about your declaration

Frequency of declarations and payments

In Collioure, in 2024, owners of furnished tourist accommodation and bed and breakfast establishments must declare and pay the tourist tax collected over different periods:

  • In April for the 1st quarter
  • In May for April
  • In June for May
  • In July for June
  • In August for July
  • In September for August
  • In October for September
  • In January of the following year for the 4th quarter

Digital operators

Since 1 January 2019, digital operators acting as payment intermediaries* have been legally required to collect tourist tax in full.

Non-exhaustive list of digital payment intermediaries:

  • AirBnB
  • Abritel – HomeAway
  • Booking

Other websites may act as payment intermediaries, depending on the options you choose.

If you use one or more of these digital payment intermediaries exclusively, please inform the Tourist Tax Department. We will send you a certificate to fill in, so that you do not have to declare and pay tourist tax.

If you rent via a digital operator that is not a payment intermediary, you are still responsible for collecting the tourist tax.

Digital operators are payment intermediaries when they handle bookings, collect payment for the rental and pass it on to you.

The classification

You can also have your furnished accommodation classified. This classification will give you a number of advantages.

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