For a stay adapted to your disability, check out our accessible accommodation or accommodation with the Tourisme & Handicap label. You can also find all the information on Tourisme & Handicap here.
Key information before coming to Collioure :
Is the tourist train accessible to people with reduced mobility?
The little tourist train is not equipped to accommodate PRM.
However, at the kiosk, staff can help you to seat the person if they are accompanied and able to get up from the wheelchair to the seat on the train (with assistance).
It’s worth noting that the little train moves quite a bit during the ride, so if the person is not able to stay upright, the journey could be a little tricky.
Is the château accessible to all?
Find all the information you need about the Château’s accessibility here.
Where can I find PRM or disabled parking?
Find out more here
Is Collioure accessible to the disabled?
Which restaurants are accessible ?
What activities are accessible ?
Is the tourist office accessible to people with disabilities?
Yes, the tourist office has access for all 4 disabilities.
- PRM access
- Hearing impaired access
- Visually impaired access
- Access for the mentally handicapped
What practical information and services are available in the commune ?
How to get to Collioure ?
Here you’ll find all the information you need to get to Collioure and around Collioure
What’s the weather like in Collioure ?
Click here to see the weather forecast for Collioure
What are the market days in Collioure ?
The Collioure market takes place on Wednesday mornings and Sunday mornings at the Place du Maréchal Leclerc. Find out more about the markets
Is there a page with all the frequently asked questions?
Click here for a list of frequently asked questions.
Can I download the Collioure brochures ?
Find all our brochures here