Are you interested in eco-design?

Applied to digital, this is a multi-stage approach characterised by a global vision of the environmental impact of digital devices. The aim, for example, is to develop platforms and tools that consume less energy and are more respectful of the environment.

The environmental impact of digital technology is not neutral!

The digital sector alone accounts for 3 to 4% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, 1.5 times more than air transport!

In France, it accounts for 2.5% of greenhouse gas emissions, and this figure could rise by 60% by 2040, to 6.7%.

By reducing the environmental impact of our website right from the design stage.

Why eco-design our website?

As you will have realised, eco-designing a website is one of the many levers we can use to limit the environmental impact of digital technology… and when applied to the tourism and e-tourism sector, the challenge is even greater!

While it’s generally accepted that a destination website needs a complete overhaul every 4 to 5 years in order to keep up with the functional and graphic developments in the digital world, the programmed obsolescence of digital devices is something we mustn’t forget! Each redesign has a major impact on our energy consumption, mobilising a large number of resources.

To offer you the highest quality, most immersive content when you’re browsing, we’re also doubling our ingenuity to make interactive tools available to you, and to share our finest multimedia content with you. HD visuals, videos, road-trips, interactive mapping… Nothing is too good to let you discover the beauty of our region… But this also has an environmental impact that should not be overlooked.

Solutions for every problem! Finding the right compromise between performance and environmental impact was at the heart of our thinking and our work when we embarked on this approach.

Our practical solutions

The ongoing development of our web

In order to significantly postpone the need to overhaul our digital system, we looked for a technical and functional solution capable of circumventing the programmed obsolescence of our destination site.

With the support of our digital communications consultancy, we chose to develop our new digital platform using the concept of continuous evolution. Innovative and resolutely in tune with the times, this strategy has enabled us to completely rethink the design of our website, which now benefits from an extended lifespan thanks to regular upgrades and evolutions.

By keeping the same base, updated twice a year with new functionalities and technical, ergonomic and design improvements, we are optimising the use of digital resources that were previously dedicated to redesigns.

The integration of an eco-mode

The destination site you are currently browsing is equipped with an eco-mode!

You may have noticed that a curious switch has appeared at the top of your web page. The more experienced or the more daring will no doubt have already activated this eco-mode, but for the more sceptical, here are a few explanations to help you adopt this new browsing habit.

Built into our site, eco-mode automatically adapts the operation and display of our pages so that they respond to energy-saving issues. As soon as it is activated, the page you are browsing is automatically reloaded with a lighter interface!

What is actually happening?

Everything has been designed to make more rational use of digital resources. Removal of the page header image, display of maps or videos only on request (when you click on ‘Display map’ or ‘Display video’), removal of animations… Everything is done to reduce the loading of multimedia content and to make your page run more smoothly, so that it consumes less energy.

Because we also like to give you concrete figures, the eco-mode also gives you access to information on the energy savings made throughout your journey.

Thanks to an algorithm provided by Ademe, a CO2 counter integrated into your pages displays in real time the energy savings made by using the eco-mode when browsing. This information is also playfully converted into kilometres travelled (by TGV or internal combustion car) or the time it takes to switch on a light bulb!

Of course, you can also choose to view your pages in the traditional way by simply minimising this toolbar, and to activate and deactivate the eco-mode at any time while browsing the site.

To find out more

With the digital world being 100% paperless, it’s sometimes difficult to imagine its environmental impact… So, because every gesture counts, we’ve selected a number of sources to help you learn more about the subject, and find the best practices you can adopt to limit your digital environmental footprint at your own level.

  • Datagir : Convert and compare your CO2 impact
  • Arcep dossier: The environmental footprint of digital technology
  • Government advice: Digital responsibility: how to adopt the right reflexes?
  • WWF advice: Learn how to reduce your digital footprint

If you’d like to discuss eco-responsibility and come up with new ideas together, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Article mis à jour 27 août 2024

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